Lady Birgithas Dark Korner

Trick or Treat

The cold darkness has finally gotten the grip of us up here!

Well, it is cold and dark when I wake up. A tiny little light comes through as I walk over to the bus stop. The cold is trying to sneak under my layers of clothes. It would like to get right in to my bones. I do my best to keep it on the outside, so that I can remain warm for at least a little longer. All around me are others trying to do just the same, try to stay warm a bit longer. But it is almost impossible to do standing still. Thinking of warmer places is not helping, just reminds me of how really cold it is here and now! I wish I was back in my warm bed rolled up close o my hubby. It is so hard to get up in the mornings when it is so cold that you need almost all your outdoor clothes to keep warm and eat your breakfast!

It is hard to justify why to get up when it is still dark. So the darkness and the cold has gotten a grip over this side of the world. It tries to creep deep inside and take over. I for one is not going to let that happen. I try to dress warm for the season, but not only on my body I need to dress my soul and my heart to stand against the cold and the darkness. That is an everyday battle, to not let the master of deception move in. I trust in Him that brings the light and the warmth back. I dress as to shelter from cold weather it is from the winter cold and darkness or the spiritual cold and darkness. I will put my trust in Him that is the light and the warmth.

Take care.
God Bless!

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