Kina gör bättre bil

I.a.f om man får tro Robin Page som är senior vice-president of design hos Volvo. Han sa i en intervju att kineserna bygger bättre Volvos än européerna. För dryga året sedan flyttade ju Volvo sin produktion till Kina.

Om det stämmer att Kina bygger bättre låter jag vara osagt då vi alltid är bäst, iaf i Sverige 😉

Bildresultat för robin page car designer

”What we’re finding is that the quality of the cars are actually better in China than they are in Europe. Everyone was worried about quality, but as soon as they started the quality was even higher than in Europe. To be honest with you, if you talk to the (European) manufacturing guys, they’ve put so much automation into the system, you haven’t got that manual adjust. They’ve got more people on it, less automation, which actually gives you that ability to get tighter on the tolerances … and make finer adjustments.”

//Big Papa

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