Keep on Walking………

Hej, du som gillar Salem Al Fakirs Keep on Walking

Den här är till dig…video från Youtube och texten har jag lagt så att du kan sjung med. Varsågod!



                Keep On walking…. Salem al Fakir



I was aiming for the sky,

ended up flat on the ground

But once again the sun is rising,

I better keep on walking

Keep on walking



I have a long road ahead of me

It’s cloudy and dark ahead of me

Will I ever get through to the end?

Been down this sling so many times before

And I told myself I would do it no more

Now I’m back on the same road again


  Repetera # I     två gånger



There’s some twists and turns I’ve gotta clear

But when I’m done the end will soon appear

I can leave my troubles behind


Repetera # I    två gånger



I never stopped believing

I know what I should do,

just let the light guide me through


Repetera# I   fyra gånger




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