Skrämmande fakta om odlad fisk! Omega 3 myten är en illusion.
Kvinnor, barn och ungdomar bör undvika att äta odlad lax, enligt norska läkare och internationella experter. Anledningen är att lax foder innehåller skadliga föroreningar. to Save the Baltic salmon! Group has been established in February 2010. Impressive is what happens when we stand United for a single goal! Clean water, vibrant genetic diversity and healthy habitats for Salmon.United in working for a better future . Do you want have advertising as a private individual or company to have your advertisement on this page! to show support in our endeavor! Contact Bror Högbom! [email protected] Vår strävan är er strävan! Our aim is your wish! Send email to our team! [email protected] New Members!Click notification icon,the settings,open the email window in the drop down to avoid unwanted,automatic emails from Facebook. in the right corner, on and off if you do not want to have lots of updates! Please invite your friends! We can make a difference in the future for Wild Salmon. The protection of a sustainable non-toxic fishing in the Baltic Sea and its tributaries by ensuring future generations of biological species diversity in rivers and seas and especially wild salmon and wild sea trout conservation. And to promote the free fish migration routes introduced across the region. Strive for harder common laws and controls on the Baltic rivers, streams and rivers, through international cooperation across borders to create the conditions for equal laws, checks and penalties everywhere. Recreational net fishing has to use labeled nets using modern technology! To avoid ghost nets and poaching, that means we will work for international laws for the use of transmitters for tracking nets! We are for quotas in the rivers, creeks and small rivers, for sustainable fishing, sport fishing quota to be drawn in from the safe ratio of flowing water, and the totals will be included in the Tac. (The Total Amount of all country’s Catch) Then we can act with the redemption and resolve to secure the stocks in both river and at sea! We will work for an enlarged ecotourism industry. This contributes to a local and national safeguarding the environment and biodiversity. Organization A party and religion independent NGO lobby group that cares about a sustainable non-toxic fishing in the Baltic Sea and its tributaries. Our group will be operated in the foundation form for a more independent of government. Our work with Baltic Salmon depends on voluntary work. Voluntary work has helped to build and strengthen our societies. We are aiming to use crowdsourcing while redeveloping this fine tradition for the internet age. Ideas, tips and informations, send it to us at . [email protected] Vår strävan är er strävan! Our aim is your wish! Lets drive to the sheerwood forest.
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