Lady Birgithas Dark Korner

Trick or Treat

Spring is cleaning house!

I can hear the snow melt and dripp down from the roofs. The ground is icy and slippery, with lots of bumps that could make you fall. Just so is lifes road too, full of slippery spots, bumps and weird turns to set you on your behind or make you fall flat on your face.

How you fall is not important, it is how you get up and continue your way in life that counts. You could have a great fall like Humty Dumty, but with help you could get back up and continue. Even less hard falls can hurt, but you bounce back faster from them. To smooth the bumps out you can look at them as the lessons in life and learn from them.

If you do not learn from your bumps, you might end up alone and missrable. By the time the bell tolls and Death knocks upon your door it will be to late to fix and for a nother chance. No regrets can be made then. When Death comes knocking to take you away after your last cup of tea.
God Bless and take care.

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