Christer Åberg: God speaks to me in dreams

Several times I have dreamed strange dreams which I suspect comes from God.Here I’ll tell some of them.

Song of Joel

One night I dreamed that I got a song from the God who was about my son Joel.

I sang the song and it was very catchy.

The chorus was Joel’s name repeatedly with and I think that the song had three verses.

When I woke up, I had no pen handy so I tried not to write it down.It is the first time I dream of such a thing.

Marie has great now

Another night I dreamed that met my late wife Marie and she told me that she had it really good now. She said this in his personal way she used to when she would console me for anything.

At the same time I dreamed that I was jumping on a trampoline and hit somersaults on the high in the air, did a fantastic music in the background (like a soundtrack in the closing scene), rode in a car that looked like a jeep, and saw her as like a golden statue, I pointed at her and I said:

– I want to see you again!

– Yes, you should get! she said.

It was these images I remember from the dream and it may seem a bit disjointed so that dreams can be.

Only when I woke up in the morning so I was not thinking so much about the dream, but then bobbed up and I remember it.

Then I realized what I had dreamed.

– I dreamed that my wife Marie are in heaven and that she has it really good now!

1 Thessalonians 4:13

Brethren, we want you to know how it is with those who have fallen asleep, lest you grieve as others which have no hope.

I saw my dead wife that occurred

Now I am going to tell you about something very strange happened another night. A journalist tried to ferret out of me this once but I said nothing.

But first I want you to know that I do not believe in ghosts. Nor do I believe that the dead go again. Furthermore, I do not think that you can get in touch with them after they have died. The Bible also says that we should not seek contact with the dead.

It is this: Has anyone died so he is not left on earth. Was he saved and belonged to Jesus, he is in heaven now, otherwise he lost to an eternal hell. Marie was saved by faith in Jesus so I know she is in heaven now. That’s what the Bible teaches.

This happened a few months after Marie and Joel had died. I slept in my bed and my daughter Desiré (Dessan) slept in bed together. There were two beds that were put together as a double bed. She was unwilling to sleep in his own bed in his room.

It had started to brighten the room and woke me up at someone touched me with his fingernail. I mumbled to Dessan ”What are you doing?” I then looked up toward where she was sleeping. It was clear to see in the room how everything looked.

But instead of seeing Dessan I saw my wife Marie lying there. I was not afraid but I just looked. I saw her very clearly. She lay there and I looked at her face. I saw her distinctive nose that I used to joke with her, and while I watched, I thought:

– This can not be right. She’s dead!

I reached toward the lamp to light it so the room was fully illuminated.I turned my eyes towards the lamp, lit it, and so I turned my gaze back toward the bed. And there was now only Desiré that slept. My wife was gone.

I lay down again, but I let the light stays on. Again and again I looked toward the place where I had seen Marie, but she was not there.

Then I fell asleep and had a very strange dream. I will never forget it.So this was the dream:

I dreamed I saw a red Saab V4 on a dirt road. The car was standing still and I looked at it. In the back seat sat my dead wife Marie. She was dead. Then I commanded her in the name of Jesus to begin to live again. Time and again I cried giant high the name of Jesus that she would live again.

I saw that she was very beautiful as she sat in the back seat of the red car. I commanded loud again and again that she would live. Then began her mouth to open slowly, and slowly began her eyes to open.

In all this there was not with Joel, and it was quite strange. Perhaps there was his body in the grave, but Marie’s body was here in the red car.

Right as it was that Marie was out of the car alive. I went up to her and did not really know if I could hug her. But I did.

Then I woke up.

I met Joel

One night I had a very strange dream. I dreamed that I met my wife and my son Joel in 2008. I dreamed a dream four years later.

I dreamed that I met my wife, who died two days before Christmas 2008.

We hugged, we kissed, and I watched in amazement on her face. Her face had a beautiful tan tan. She was happy, spontaneous and happy.

Then suddenly there came a 3-4 year old boy and looked up at us. It was a beautiful and intelligent boy with black hair.

Shortly thereafter, I awoke with a start and thought about this strange event. Who was the boy?

Then it suddenly hit me who it was. It was Joel – my son – who died almost four years ago, a few hours after my wife had died! He was only a few hours old.

Then I fell asleep again, but the remainder of the night follow this dream with me as etched in my thoughts, dreams and mind.

Joel is in heaven today. Had he lived he would be in the age that I saw him in the dream. He was born two days before Christmas Eve with a cesarean section shortly after my wife had died. When he was born, he had black jet black hair that he had in the dream.

He also died two days before Christmas Eve 2008 after my wife Marie

Dream of the Black City

One night I had a strange dream. I dreamed that I tied the shoes on people’s feet. The shoes were badly laced up so I had to first lace them up and then lace them properly and then tie them.

This, I also intend to make a man, but he had other shoes that suited his bad feet, so he switched to them. Here I would tie them down and not up, as was usual.

The shoes are interesting. ”And having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace,” says Ephesians 6:15.

When I was about to lace shoes then came a Norwegian to me. He was a pastor and began to talk about ”Blackpil”. ”You mean the Black City?” I asked. Then he told me that they are in the Black City and over 100 couples (I do not remember the exact amount) had been saved, and all had come from outside and had not had contact with any church.

Then I told him that for a number of years ago, I had read about the Pentecostal Assembly in Black City. (It was in the Pentecostal movement Yearbook). The Assembly then had three members. The Norwegian pastor said, ”think that there must be people from Norway who does this!” Now he wanted to have more people there. He talked about the elders, I think. I do not remember the exact figure, but I think it was around 20.

It happened a little more details in the dream but I chose to tell it this broadly.

Necessity for the lost

One night I had an awesome dream. The dream was something like this:

I dreamed that I was preaching in a meeting somewhere. I said that I had become world champion in anything. (I do not remember now what it was). After this, I asked if I was an important person.Everyone said ”yes.” Then I took out another person and asked:

– Is he worth as much as me?

All answered ”Yes”, and I continued:

– Let’s say he has murdered 35 people, raping women and children.

It was quiet. Then I said:

– But Jesus died for him too. He shed His blood and gave His life for him not to, he would go to hell.

While I continued to speak the tears ran down my cheeks. I told them what Jesus had done for the man. And I had an invitation.

– Come to Jesus and drink the water of life freely! (John 7:37, Rev. 27:17).

Sometimes I have dreamed dreams which I think has been directly inspired by the Holy Spirit. It has happened that I’ve been dreaming of direct healing miracles.

Wheelchair users have risen from meetings and other disease has been cured.

But I guess I never dreamed such a dream where I was crying’ve told people about what Jesus has done for a single person.

You and I are valuable. Jesus died for you and me. He would never have given his life for us unless we had been important and significant.

The distress I showed for this man in the dream, I think that’s important that we have. We need to have compassion for souls.Jesus died for them because they would not be lost. We need to be aware of this.

It is important that we tell about Jesus to people that we meet and hits. For those who do not have Jesus, whom we meet in different settings will be lost if they do not hear about Jesus and receive Him.

I believe the dream I had, was more than a dream. It was from Jesus.That dream I actually have not only enjoyed the night. It has long been abandoned in my heart.

We need to preach to the lost that Jesus died for them. But also because they are all already saved.

In the dream, so I directed my preaching to the saved to tell them that the man was just as valuable as I do. Jesus died for the man as well.

It is important that we understand the value of man. People are precious things.

I was traveling somewhere. There was a period in my life I had a hassle. In a vägkafé somewhere read, ”Drive carefully – someone like you!”

This went straight to my heart. Jesus likes me. And he has not only said it as something empty, but he has also demonstrated it in action.People are valuable and important.

Let’s go out and tell the good news of Jesus. The world might is reeling in troubled times, but Jesus is alive and he is for people’s best!

I salute Jesus

I dreamed something truly amazing for the phone woke me in my beauty sleep late today.

I dreamed that I was listening to a CD in which they fervently sang about Jesus. It was a song I had not sung or heard in a long time.

It was a little different text in the dream but the song is as follows:

You are the Savior for me my Jesus, my Jesus, You are the Savior for me You are the Savior for me

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus You are the Savior for me You are the Savior for me

It is Jesus we praise and glorify.

Moreover, it is Jesus I trust. 100 percent! Because that’s the only thing that ultimately keeps.

Ps 20:8

Others rely on chariots and horses, but we commend ourselves to the Lord, our God.

And it is Jesus, I commend me off. By myself I can not praise me.Jesus has done so much.

He died on a cross and rose again. It was after three days in the tomb that God raised Jesus from the dead.

The living Jesus has saved me and forgiven all my sins. He has changed my life.

Jesus is indeed worthy of all our praise!

A dream about why there is no revival in Sweden

I woke up one morning after having had a strong dream.

Dream was that there was no revival in Sweden.

I was surprised that the word ”revival” was used in the dream, as it is not promised any revival in the Bible in the last time, rather persecution and death and imprisonment.

But I equated the word revival of salvation and why people are not getting saved.

– I know why there is no revival, I said in the dream. Then I woke up and I had the answer and the certainty in my heart.

Why there is no revival and why not people are saved in Sweden to any great extent depends on religiosity in Sweden!

No, I am not talking about other religions or heresies. This is not about Islam or such heresies such as Jehovah’s Witnesses, but it is about religiosity among Christians!

Religiosity prevents people from being saved. Religiosity does Jesus obscured. Religiosity is Christianity without Jesus. Religiosity is Christianity without force.

I could also add that religiosity is organized Christianity of people.

2 Timothy 3:5

Having a form of godliness but denying its power. Stay away from them!

Sometimes I get accused of being religious. I’m certainly not religious!Save me from all of that!

I have a relationship with the living and risen Jesus. We live in a time when we really need to live close to Jesus.

Live close to Jesus, read and believe in his words, make as it is to get as it is.

See our King will

I had an amazing dream one night. I sang along with a few others in a television contest ”Behold our King will” in such a powerful way that I actually can not sing.

My singing talent in the dream was the same as Gaither Vocal Band.

With full throat, I pointed to the sky and sang: ”Seeeeeee, our King is coming”.

The two ships

I dreamed that I saw the cartoon black and white images. The first picture was a warship armed with guns.

We Christians were on deck and was always prepared for battle.

The second image was a ship too, but here we were Christians locked up inside a large thick glass wall of the vessel in a large shelter that protected us.

For subscriptions, read the question:

– Which ship do you want?

I understood that the ship with guns, where Christians continually were prepared for combat was the right thing.

The vessel in which the Christians were locked inside a large glass wall in a giant bomb shelter was wrong.

I understood that we live in the world where there is contention for the Christians. You can not live like a Christian locked in a bomb shelter. It is not good for the Christian and it was never intended that it should be so.

As long as we live in the world we are Christians in battle and we are armed with effective cannons.

We are called to live in the world to reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are not called to live in a shelter on the deck.


Christer Åberg

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