Lady Birgithas Dark Korner

Trick or Treat

Something is not right….

When people start to inject fluids so that they will apair to be brown, put things in side of them to make bodyparst stand out, then something is dead wrong! What is wrong with what is you? If you alter to much you kind of loose yourself. Terry Pratchett says it really good in Witches abroad, even if it has to do with mirrors…. The context is that if you look for to long into a reflection that is a reflection, that is a reflection of yourself you will get lost and loose yourself. The same thing goes with all the altering that is done to a body. When you alter something, you intend to loose a bit that was you. 


I just put on makeup fix my hair and get derssed. What I put on is who I am not anything else. I am still me when I look into the reflection in the mirror. I am not lost, I am me! I imbrace me with all my good sides and the once I do not like so much, they together makes me.

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