Lady Birgithas Dark Korner

Trick or Treat

Beacon of light in the dark

 Lets see! It is Wendsday and November…. Hmm, it is dark outside and foggy. Could that be why I feel so dark and happy on the inside? Yes I am happy and dark on the inside today and it is possible! 

It could be that I am allready tired and want to go home and sleep, but it could allso be another poem starting to come to form…. One could never realy tell…. I am a very cheerful goth, with a twisded mind and humor that hit the depths quite often! No, not depressed or sad, just dark and twisded, (try Burton dark) and you have come close. It is not so that I long for death or hang at cemetaries…. I just like the darker parts in life, because it is where we can work on helping the light come through…. Darkness is not bad, it is just a good place to go when you need some lone time from everything. A place to catch up with yourself and breathe, so you can make it a bit longer in this world that we live in. In order to rest in the light later you have to walk through the valley off death first. When your time is up  you get the reward and go in to the light. But before we can go there we have to build the beakons of light to shine in the dark here. 

So that is why I am happy and dark on the inside.

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