Lady Birgithas Dark Korner

Trick or Treat

Just one of those days….

 It just is one of those days when everything feels like I want to stick my head in a whole, or pull the covers over my head and npt wake up til spring…. Yes! These type of days are the once when I like to crank the volume up, close my eyes and drift away listening to Coriolis music. Songs like Cry Wolf, Welcome to my world and a few others sits just fine. Gives me strenght to continue for the rest of the day. 


My family are my strenght as well, do not think anything else! But sometimes when I feel drained the music gives me back the energy that I need. Yes the music sounds dark, but as I allready have stated earlier dark is not bad. Even the darkness can give comfort and strenght, because even in there is there some light if you look closer. Even black has diffrent shades. I will come back to this every now and then, becasue I can….

So today is just one of those days when I need to listen and regain my strenght, in order to funktion the rest of this day. I hope I have a better Friday.

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