Lady Birgithas Dark Korner

Trick or Treat


Yes it is Friday! weekend is around the corner and I am not so tired today. Could be all the candy I have eaten today.( Yes I know that it is not saturday and candy day). But I was given two small boxes with candy today. A coworker did not want them, so he gave them to me! Yey! 

I am so very happy! I think that today will be a very good day. Even for a little darkling like me…. 

I spoke with my dad yeaterday and he told me some good news. My grandmother whom have been very ill and spent time in the hospital for a massive coronary thrombosis during the weekend could go home yeaterday. It was touch and go for her, but she pulled through and that is good. She is over eighty and still going strong! I wish I can be as full off life and energy at her age. She is one tough coockie and I do admire her! Half of my childhood was spent with her and my grandpa, so much of who I am today is thanks to her and him! My grandpa died many years ago in an massive coronary thrombosis….

But I guess that we never know when the bell toll. I am not worried though, when ever my time is, it is up. Because in the end we all will go the same way. 


("That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die. " HP Lovecraft)



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