Lady Birgithas Dark Korner

Trick or Treat

Slowly, very slowly is winter comming….

 Something is dead wrong this year! We still have green grass on the gound and it is allready November! Where is the snow and the cold? (Not that  I like the cold so much, but I like some snow.)

The snow kind of makes it less dark and it brings the thoughts of Christmas. The holidays are just around the bend and we have now snow! That is bad! Give me some snow for Christmas please! I love to see the snow on the trees and rooftops…. Nothing is nicer than new snow on the ground, untoucthed and soft. 

Theres is one thing that is better than that,(besides sun and warm weather) and that is hot cocoa or tea wrapped up in a blanked listening to the kids play.

Well I guess I can do the hot tea wrapped up in a blanket and listen to the kids play at least…. A fast pased walk home, pancakes and some time in the gym is not to bad eather, not as relaxing, but energetic. Then in the end relaxation in bed with my hubby and my tea cup as the darkness kind of slowly takes over up here.

God Bless! 

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