Lady Birgithas Dark Korner

Trick or Treat

Friday and then what?

Yes it is finally Friday again! the weeks goes so fast! I can not belive that it is soon Christmas and then the darkness will start to go away again. But until then my dear dark friends we are still in the dark  seeking the light. 

This is the time for less cute movies like Coprs Bride or Nightmare before Christmas…. Coroline is a nother one of my favorite movies. Curle up in bed with one of those movies the world will become brigther by itself. Yes I like darkness and dark colors, but that does not meen I do not like the light. But one can not be in the light before one has been in the dark…. 


Soon very soon is summer upon us again! Sunny days and hardly any darkness at night! Life is short and so is summer! Darkness will be creaping up the doorstep once again.

The conclution is that everything goes by so fast enjoy it while you can and do not wait too long.

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