
El Bulli Restaurant (Chef Ferran Adrià)

He is probably, the best in the world.


Many people know about this amazing place where it’s possible to close your eyes and feel that you are living in the world of the    feelings. After you pay your expensive lunch or dinner, you understand that you are alive; and you can explain to your friends about your pleasure…; of course, you paid a lot of money! But, the best is that you are some of the few people that now know, what the difference is between to eat or to be around the table.


This chef, working in front of Mediterranean sea, receiving the inspiration of the oldest influence of Rome and Greece, is the result of a wonderful marketing project from the best Catalan tradition.  But, we shouldn’t be mislead – the hard work is in his back. He has a very special philosophy and connection with the people. He invented to feel “the perfume” of many good products


He has now decided to close his restaurant in only one and a half year from now. And to invent another restaurant concept; to start, like an artist another way in his life: a foundation in the creativity in cooking. And now, I remember Picaso, that was born in Málaga, living many years in Barcelona and Paris, painting the life in the way that he understood it in each second. He was an exceptional artist too and different from the rest of human people.  Spontaneous, creative and crazy! That’s the best combination in the life, with some nice piano music, like Adrià.


Bulli restaurant was not a good economic business the last two years; then, Adrià decided to transform the concept of his popularity. To die or to open a new door for the future, that’s the question…


Nowadays there are a lot of nice chefs in Catalunya like: Celler de Can Roca, Carme Ruscalleda or Santi Santamaria. We have many options in this “cuisine” world. Probably, it’s necessary to work for your restaurant and don’t be a chef star in many places and times. To work in the kitchen, and to take care of your customers personally, that’s the best. We will see…. To cook needs time and to be close, like with the love.


Now, close your eyes, open them again and start to cook; that’s a special experience, really!! You can start too…, don’t worry, when you love, you cook well…Don’t forget this golden rule.

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