
Fika time

When you are new in Sweden, in a couple of days you will understand the importance of this wonderful word: FIKA.


In catalan, FICAR is to put something in a place.


I started to think that svenska and katalanska languages have some connection. I don’t kno…


Probably is the old influence from Napoleon’s time, that French emperor that chose BERNARDOTTE as king for Sweden. Bernadotte was from the south of France; that is to say, from Catalunya north, a historic catalan land. In the south of France also nowadays, they speak catalan (check in Perpignan, Carcassone or Tolouse municipalities, catalan flag with the French flag too). Well, anyway, the important is to know some similarities…


FIKA is a magic word. Family and friendship time. Time to rest, to talk and to keep silence (important to know in Sweden). A nice friend, Jenny Eklund, said some years ago: "the best in winter time are the candles, and fika, of course!" We can have time for a fika day and night, it’s not a problem. It’s the best way to have social life and close communication. In Catalunya, we have something similar to this, but only around 17 or 18 o’clock –berenar-, but the ritual and food are a little bit different – “pa amb tomàquet, pernil, llangonissa, fuet, formatge…” (iberic ham, different catalan sausages, bread with some tomato, virgin olive oil and some salt, cheese…) -, and some wine or cava-. Products of our land… Nowadays it’s typical only in the countryside and small villages, not in the City. In the City, you can have some warm and thick chocolate, with some ensaimada (typical from Mallorca), or some churros ( typical from Madrid), or some melindres (typical from Catalunya). Often you have the “berenar" in some special bars: granjes catalanes (examples in Barcelona: In Petritxol street, or in Granja Viader, Xuclà street).


I like very much the Swedish fika, because before that, normally we can find some lovely time where the family is preparing some cakes or cookies; coffee and tea. That’s very nice for the family life. I remember many lovely pictures of Carl Larsson, from Dalarna, perfect expression of Swedish traditions and life.

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