

In many things it’s not possible to compare different societies. When we are talking about some questions it’s necessary to understand, that’s to say, to know the real society and their history. Then we can think, respect and advance in the conversation. Sweden is not Spain; and Spain is not Sweden…


In each country always we arrive to the same point: culture. The Swedish experience is hard when we look at the history. In Sweden I can not understand why the people are only drinking from Friday night until Saturday or Sunday. Then, many people are drinking a lot and they get drunk. My question is simple: is it necessary to be drunk if you want to enjoy of the party and to be happy? My answer is – of course not.


When I was 8 years old my “fika” after school was sometimes: bread with some tomato and extra virgin olive oil and ham or some different catalan sauces; bread with some butter and chocolate, or sometimes, some bread with some red wine over that and sugar. I have never been drunk in my life.


I drink some beer, cava or wine, because it’s a pleasure to combine it with some nice food, but my objective it’s not to get drunk. If we are drunk, we are not happy, of course…: gastronomical culture! It’s always necessary to have the control of your life, for ourselves and for the rest of the society.


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