إلى كل السويدين الجدد – To all foreign born residents living in Sweden – Till alla utlandsfödda i Sverige



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To all foreign born residents living in Sweden

Unemployment among employees born in Sweden is around 5,4 percent. Unemployment among foreign born employees is as high as 17,0 percent! This is unfair. Everyone who wants to work should be able to work and get paid. Arbetarpartiet is fighting to make it possible for everyone who wants to work to get a decent job.

All people should be allowed to practice their religious beliefs, as long as this does not mean the oppression of other people and their beliefs. Arbetarpartiet has always supported the Muslims’ demand for a separate room at the NUS hospital in Umeå where Muslims – and others – can make their dead family members ready for the funeral. We have also always fought racism.

In Sweden, you can vote in three different elections on Sunday, September 11:
* In the election to Riksdagen
* In the election to Region Västerbotten
* In the election to Umeå Kommun

In order for you to vote in the three different elections, the following rules apply:
* To Riksdagen: You must be a Swedish citizen and have received a Voting Card – Röstkort – by post in August.
* To Region Västerbotten: You must have lived in Sweden for three years and received a Voting Card – Röstkort – by post in August. You do not have to be a Swedish citizen to vote in this election.
* To Umeå Kommun: You must have lived in Sweden for three years and received a Voting Card – Röstkort – by post in August. You do not have to be a Swedish citizen to vote in this election.

Arbetarpartiet asks for your vote in two elections on September 11:
* In the election to Umeå Kommun
* In the election to Region Västerbotten.

But most importantly: We want you to join our political party to fight for justice, and against racism, during the 1461 days until the next election!


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Till alla utlandsfödda

Arbetslösheten hos löntagare födda i Sverige ligger på drygt 5 procent. Arbetslösheten bland utlandsfödda ligger på hela 17 procent. Detta är orättvist. Alla som vill ska få arbeta och få lön. Arbetarpartiet vill att alla ska få arbeta.

Alla människor ska få utöva sin religiösa tro, så länge detta inte innebär ett förtryck av andra människor. Arbetarpartiet har alltid stött muslimernas krav på ett eget rum på sjukhuset NUS där muslimer – och andra – kan tvätta sina döda.

I Sverige får du rösta i tre olika val söndagen den 11 september:
* Valet till riksdagen
* Valet till Region Västerbotten
* Valet till Umeå kommun

För att du ska få rösta i de tre olika valen gäller följande regler:

Till riksdagen: Du ska vara svensk medborgare och ha fått ett Röstkort via posten i augusti
Till Region Västerbotten: Du ska ha bott i Sverige i tre år och ha fått ett Röstkort via posten i augusti. Du behöver inte vara svensk medborgare.
Till Umeå kommun: Du ska ha bott i Sverige i tre år och ha fått ett Röstkort via posten i augusti. Du behöver inte vara svensk medborgare.

Arbetarpartiet vill ha din röst i två val den 11 september:
* Umeå kommun
* Region Västerbotten

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