[ so damn pitiful ]

– What do you do when you know something’s bad for you and you still can’t let go?

I was naive. Your love was like candy, artificially sweet, I was deceived by the wrapping. Got caught in your web and I learned how to bleed.. I was prey in your bed and devoured completely. It hurts my soul cause I can’t let go.. all these walls are caving in I can’t stop my suffering. I hate to show that I’ve lost control, cause I keep going right back to the one thing that I need to walk away from.
I need to get away from ya I need to walk away from ya Get away, walk away, walk away.. I should have known I was used for amusement, couldn’t see through the smoke – It was all an illusion

Tror inte fröken aguilera syftade på förhållandet till sitt nikotinbegär med den här låten, men härav erkänner Jag avsaknaden av herr karaktär

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