Russia is not Putin, Putin is a nuclear meltdown – for all of us

Chernobyl, Чернобыль, Чорнобиль

This is a part of Ukraine, it was and will always be. Everything else is a lie.

I once stood there, in Ukraine and no other land, at the memorial monument in Chernobyl town.

Chernobyl is a like a sacred place, today a sanctuary, for protecting the failure of a nuclear reactor.

Chernobyl should be protected and be unharmed – now and forever. It should and must be seen as untouchable.

Still, the Chernobyl area was used as a safe corridor for Russian military troups for reckless passage. Putting us all at risk. This is unacceptable.

This is not only a crime and violation, to Ukraine, to international law, but also a crime towards humanity, to earth, our lonely fragile planet. The losses and sacrifices have already been too vast.

The Russian Federation has crossed a line. They crossed many. Thousands. Also, threatening Sweden and Finland, with military consequenses, if these countries would become members of the defence alliance NATO.

I am not pro-USA (in terms of their imperialistic practice and foreign intervensions, [moreover, I have never ever had any grudge with americans]), I am not pro-NATO, though I believe in a European Union that must have solidarity in every moment co-existing together. A UNION that should have our own defence organization, but not NATO. That is however, another story, which the EU must work very hard with.

But one thing that Russia never can take away from us, is our way of making democratic decisions. No one dictates what Sweden and Finland should do or not do. NATO or not, is our and only our decision. Hopefully and preferably clarified with national referendums.

I don’t need an army or military, I know that five million frying pans and five million brooms (Swedish ”piasava” are excellent) would shovel out any aggressor. Even a tennis racket or a golf club can be handy. Sweden or Finland would never give up our freedom of choice. We will never bend.

If Russia want a war with the whole world, because we want to protect our democracy and keep our people safe, so be it. I once stated that I am an anti-militarist, but all this has gone too far, I would protect this land, I would fight for Finland (our sibling). I would fight for Ukraine (our cousin), If I only were there.

The Ukrainan people are strong, proud, they finally found freedom, fighting for a democracy for so long. And this country, Ukraine, did and do deserve their freedom and sovereignity for all days to come. On their own conditions.

I wish them the best, I wish them to survive everything through this inhumane and monstrous ordeal. Never give in for an oppressor, never.

Nevertheless, I don’t know if I recommend them to join EU, they could do as Norway or Great Britain prefer (the EEC was good enough). I don’t recommend them, to join NATO. They can have good partnerships with whom ever they want. But no matter what, those are their own choices. I also hope, they would choose within national referendums. Let the people choose. And respect the vote of the people.

If Russian troups damages the nuclear plant in Zaporizjzja (among the largest powerplants in Europe), this is a crime towards humanity and the whole world around us. Then a collective intervention, would be more than necessary, to stop this continuous madness. Such vile aggression must have an end. But this very night, a nuclear waste depot in Kyiv was attacked with missiles. This is the final line Russia crossed. The world community, must respond.

When it comes to words directed to Russia: Back out promtly, disarm and respect every country and the UN charter! And pay the price, pay back, pay it handsomely. The debt will be calculated and revised, over and over again, until justice has been done. The SWIFT button, reducing international bank transactions – now pushed – the Russian leaders called all by themselves. The make their own fate from now on. Cause and action.

This is about the Russian leadership, that no longer is a leadership, only a handful mens wicked ways of autocracy, where the power of force has become an obsession.  I cannot believe this is a war of the Russian people. I refuse to believe so. Russia – give up! Give mother nature, all countries around you, life and the children on our earth, a fair future.

Internet is now failing, the backbone in the Kyiv network, is slowing down rapidly. Silence, will not be a sign of defeat. Support Ukraine, by all means!