
Den långa resan.

N= Nature

I live in Umeå, a rather big university city in the North of Sweden. From my house I have about 4 kilometers to the city center and the nature around the corner. There is a lake and woods where you can swim, hike and bike. I can say that I have both worlds, the urban and the nature.

I love spending time in the nature, and I always have my camera with me. I love the variety of the seasons and I can document the same scene over and over again in it’s various shapes.

Here is a picture taken the other day on a very beautiful autumn afternoon.



Autumn is my favourite season. I love all the colours, but the decay is also beautiful.



This is my street last year in october. This year the colours are not so bright.



Two winters ago we had a lot of snow. These pictures are taken around Christmas.

mina bilder 006


And then we have the summer with the green colours, the flowers, and berries you can pick nearby your house. I usually say that when I pick blueberries ’I would be able to wave at myself from the wood if I would be sitting on my balcony’.






Have a beautiful week <3

14 kommentarer

  1. Judy

    Lovely photos as always. 🙂 You do have the best of both worlds. The blueberries look delicious. We also have Saskatoon berries which are smaller and very tasty. Saskatoon is a city that is about 2 hours from us. I envy you having the lake so close. Enjoy your weekend! 🙂 Judy

    • Marja Granqvist (inläggsförfattare)

      Thank you, Judy! I love the lake and I’m so happy that I decided to move here three years ago.
      Have a very nice weekend! 🙂

  2. ♫ Mel☺dy ♫

    Hi Marja

    You live in a beautiful country…. i love the swedish crimis so i see lots of it on tv 😉
    I hope ….someday…. i will visit your country to see all its beauty with my own eyes!
    Wonderful entry for this weeks challenging letter…. not that hard were you live

    Have a nice abv-day/-week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  3. Ditte

    Vilka vackra bilder! Och visst är årstidernas skiftningar fina. De är verkligen tydliga i Sverige.
    Och du bor ju så fint med naturen nära inpå dig.

    • Marja Granqvist (inläggsförfattare)

      Tack Ditte! Jag kan inte tänka mig att bo någonstans utan tydliga årstidsväxlingar.

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