
Den långa resan.

Sunset on the lake.


There is ice on the lake and the sun is setting early in the afternoon.

Skywatch Friday

Saturday Silhouettes

Have a nice weekend <3

6 kommentarer

    • Marja Granqvist (inläggsförfattare)

      Tack Ditte! I dag var det ännu vackrare och jag vågade mig ut på isen. 🙂 Kram! 🙂

  1. Judy

    Beautiful picture! Your lake is always gorgeous no matter what season. Our nearest lake is about 40 kilometers. I grew up close to a river and as kids we loved to fish, swim and even ice skate there. Such fond memories. Hope your enjoying the weekend. Hugs! Judy

    • Marja Granqvist (inläggsförfattare)

      Thank you, Judy! I really enjoy the lake at every season and am so happy that I decided to move here three years ago. I also grew up near a river.
      Hugs! 🙂

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