Råd från demokrat till republikan

Nu gör jag något ovanligt, ovanligt på två sätt; jag publicerar ett privatbrev som dessutom är på engelska. Engelskan torde dock inte utgöra något större problem för flertalet bloggläsare, så vitt jag kan förstå.

Min fru Peggy fick nyligen ett brev från en vän i Kansas som avrådde henne från att rösta på Obama. I brevet bemöter hon sin vän, som uppenbarligen var ett av de många offren för rykten och felaktigheter från obamamotståndare. Med förhoppningen att detta kan vara av ett mera allmänt intresse, vill jag med benäget tillstånd från Peggy publicera brevet här.

’Dear Phyllis,

Yes, I did vote for Obama. I’m very proud of our country for finally being able to
look beyond color and choose a man for his qualifications.

I do understand your concern about the fact that Obama doesn’t always hold his hand over his his heart while facing the American flag. Kalle and I attend the Memorial Day parade and ceremony every year when we’re in America, and I have personally observed other ’normal’ patriotic Americans who don’t do it either. I think holding your hand over your heart is a very nice gesture, but I truly don’t think you can fairly judge a person’s charactor, loyalty, and patriotism simply on the fact that he or she doesn’t do it. Holding your hand over your heart is an outward symbol to ’prove’ your patriotism to society, but to be honest, I think the patriotism that a person feels in his or her heart and soul is more important and meaningful than a visible symbol for the benefit of others.

You are wrong about Obama wanting to change our national anthem. Kalle and I have followed this election very carefully for the past year, and neither of us have heard or read a single word about this. I suspect that this rumor was started and spread via e-mail by McCain supporters simply as a scare-tactic to try and get Obama defeated.

Obama is not a Muslim at all…he is Christian. Interestingly, he wasn’t raised in any particular religion at all, but he personally chose to become Christian as an adult. His life experience, as well as much soul-searching, convinced him that living as a Christian ’fit’ his own beliefs. Obama’s father was raised in the Muslim faith but he rejected those believes and became an atheist as an adult. Obama’s mom and dad divorced when Obama was just a toddler. Obama’s dad moved back to Kenya and saw his son only one more time before he died in a car crash in 1984. Obama’s mother re-married, so she and Obama (then bout 10 years old) lived in Indonisia a while before that marriage broke up. Obama was then sent to live with his grandmother in Hawaii, and his mom moved back to Kansas, where she died of ovarian cancer some years ago.

So, Obama is NOT a practicing Muslim at all. But, I really think that he will make an excellent president for several reasons. He has a better understanding and tolerance of a wide variety of religion and cultures, simply because he has lived in and experienced diffent parts of the world. This, coupled with his true interest in civilized diplomacy, will be a huge step in the direction of healing the international wounds that the Bush administration has caused. We live in a truly globalized world now, so the time has passed when America can simply demand that the entire world plays by our rules ’because we’re America’. We MUST develop good cooperation through diplomacy in order to win back the respect of the world and regain our role as a trusted world leader. If you wish to read more about our new president, visit this website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama

I’m very proud of you for taking the time and effort to serve in the Republican Committee Woman for Sedgwick county. It’s easy for people to talk, but to put
words into action, as you are doing, is something very special.

Everything is going well for us here. The weather is terrible today. Cold, gray, drizzling rain. Yuck! It’s a good day to stay inside in order to catch up with e-mail, practice some music, and lie on the sofa under a quilt and read the newspaper. By the way, have I told you that I just joined another band here in Sweden? It’s an Irish band, and I’m just thrilled! I really love Irish music!

Take care!

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