Banker söker amerikaner

Som vanligt hänger jag fast vid ett ämne kanske längre än jag borde. Här kommer således ännu ett inlägg om den amerikanska lagen, FATCA, Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.

Personer, som bor i Sverige och har amerikanskt medborgarskap, får sina större bankkontobehållningar genom sin bank enligt den lagen rapporterade till USA:s skattemyndighet. Banken är ålagd att informera skatteverket om de har några sådana kunder, så att skatteverket i sin tur han vidarebefordra informationen till USA. Förlåt mitt tjat!

Den enskilde kontoinnehavaren har inget eget ansvar att informera banken om att hen har amerikanskt medborgarskap.

Det åligger banken att på olika sätt försöka hitta eventuella amerikaner bland sina kunder. Sedan banken hittat indicier talande för att någon är amerikan, tar banken kontakt med vederbörande för att direkt med hen utröna, om det verkligen är så.

Att banker verkligen ägnar sig åt att efterforska sina kunders medborgarskap, låter inte särskilt trevligt och inte ens troligt. Uppgiften har jag i alla fall i dag fått från Ulrika Hansson, jurist på Svenska Bankföreningen med flerårig erfarenhet från FATCA.

2 kommentarer

  1. We are Here

    This is all from FATCA in Wikipedia.

    he cost to the Swedish government were estimated to be above 15 million SEK for implementation and 15 million SEK per year thereafter.[57]

    With 9,784,445 inhabitants and 16,555 US citizens, the Swedish government cost is 1,53 SEK per capita per year and 906 SEK per year per US person resident in Sweden.

    Sweden could not estimate the business effect of FATCA, despite that Swedish law requires that the business impact must be evaluated for legislations.[58] In following discussions, it was estimated that each of the 734 small financial institutes (comprising 95% of the FFI’s) would incur 1 million SEK yearly FATCA administration costs.[59] Documentation of the costs to larger institutions has not been located.

    FATCA has an estimated yearly cost of more than 734 million SEK (excludes the cost of the 5% larger institutions). This is more than 750 SEK per capita per 10yearperiod and more than 44,337 SEK per resident US citizen per year.[60][61]

    The Swedish government administration stated that the costs of implementation should be considered versus the threatened 30% sanctioned tax which could be applied for non-compliance.[62]

    Over a ten year period, each Swedish man, woman and child in Sweden will have funded 750 SEK to help collect taxes in Sweden from dual Swedish citizens all for the Land of the Free.

    Just for Sweden, UK, and Germany together, the FATCA implementation costs are higher to those countries than USA’s estimated global FATCA tax revenues.

    Although media said that Sweden will get FATCA reciprocity, there is no law in USA that allows US banks to collect information about Swedish depositors and there is no law for USA to send information to any other countries. There is no law proposed in USA to provide reciprocity and there will be no voting in Congress to give data to Sweden. Why should there be?

    Sweden was threatened with a 30% withholding sanction if Sweden didn’t comply.

    The last time that Sweden went around for persons of particular ethnic origin was during the 1940’s. At that time, Sweden was both coerced and willing also.

  2. We are Here

    Oh, by the way. FATCA is in court in USA.

    On Sept 4 2015, there will be a hearing to have an injunction to stop FATCA transfers from countries to USA. Sweden told itself that it was signing a treaty with USA, but it was signed by US Treasury officials, who don’t represent the US govt.

    If the court case is successful, Sweden will have spent all of its FATCA money for nothing.

    Sweden bought the Brooklyn bridge, just like a bunch of other tourists.

    Read about it in Wiki, too.

    Oh well, it’s only money.

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